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#福銘中医部 的黄医师来浅说 #清肺排毒汤

说到清肺排毒汤,就让人联想到这一波令人闻风丧胆的新冠肺炎。 清肺排毒汤包含了数个中医经典方剂,它们分别是麻杏石甘汤,射干麻黄汤,小柴胡汤和五苓散。麻杏石甘汤的作用为辛凉宣泄,清肺平喘,多用于肺热咳喘证;射干麻黄汤的作用是宣肺化痰,止咳平喘,多用于寒饮郁肺导致的肺失宣降,肺气上逆之喘咳;小柴胡汤为和解少阳之主要方剂,用于少阳病,胆胃不和之证;五苓散的作用为温阳化气,利水渗湿,主要用于水湿内停,膀胱气化功能减弱之证。 需强调的是,这个清肺排毒汤是针对新冠肺炎患者而设的,是中医经过辨证论治后所拟定的一个治病方剂,而不是用来预防肺炎或者随便喝的凉茶。 所以,如有出现任何不适,请先找医师咨询问诊后,再由医师根据个人的体质处方开药才是正确的做法。

<Qing Fei Pai Du Decoction>

When talk about Qing Fei Pai Du Decoction, we will think of the COVID-19 that happen recently. Qing Fei Pai Du Decoction consists of several classical prescriptions in TCM, which are Ma Xing Shi Gan Decoction, She Gan Ma Huang Decoction, Xiao Chai Hu Decoction and Wu Ling San. Ma Xing Shi Gan Decoction’s function is clear away lung heat and relieve asthma and is used in cough and dyspnea due to Lung’s heat; She Gan Ma Huang Decoction has a function of facilitate lung's qi and eliminate phlegm, it is used on relieve cough and asthma that caused by cold phlegm; Xiao Chai Hu Decoction is the main prescription that used to harmonize Shaoyang, it is usually used for Shaoyang Diseases and intolerance between Gallbladder (Dan) system and Stomach (Wei) system; Wu Ling San’s function is warming Yang and promote qi transformation, disinhibit water and percolate dampness, it is used in syndrome of dampness retention due to weak Bladder (Pang Guang) system’s qi function. Qing Fei Pai Du Decoction is prescribed according to the syndrome differentiation method and is mainly used for treating, but not for prevention or as herbal tea. Hence, if you have any discomfort, please do consult physicians at first and let the physicians to prescribe the suitable prescription for you.

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